Saturday, April 26, 2008

Keep my head high.

Spent the evening at home. Was not able to participate in a long awaited, eagerly anticipated, mucho shit-talked bowling outing with my work compatriots, due to The Warrior being in the shop. That fucker better be ready on Monday. Grr.

Ever see The Thing starring Kurt Russell and David Keith? It is one of my top five favorite horror flicks of all time. It's 20 years old, and the effects shots still hold up today. This movie scares the hell out of me. I still turn on the lights when it's on.

Dancing tomorrow. Industrial show Sunday. Exciting.

My incapacitated car has enabled more bike riding, which is actually a good thing. If you were in Oakland around 3:00am Friday morning and heard high pitched fat guy weezing, it wasn't me. I swear.

It's hot in here. Bummer that I'm already naked and have the windows open. I am not looking forward to summer. Although, I did put myself on an early afternoon shift, which keeps me out of the house during the hottest part of day. We'll see how I feel in July.

I am debating buying a pair of neon yellow jeans.

It's time to get my sleep on.-BK

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