Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Berkshire Hathaway is for pussies, yo!

Took in Saw IV the other day, and like most horror movies, the journey is better than the destination. The gnarliest part of the film for me was the autopsy scene, because they never once cut away. It is very straightforward and "gooey." I hope they keep coming up with more interesting ways to kill/hurt people, Saw films are always good for that. My favorite so far was the "bathtub o' needles" from Saw II. What's your favorite?

Big time competition Friday night. Maybe I'll make it to round two. I only get five minutes, which is a little shorter than I've grown accustomed to, so I'll be doing a "greatest hits/best of" set, with a few new jams thrown in. Hannah Montana ticket scalper jokes, anyone?

Look for something on the YouTube from me by next Friday. It's going to be a semi-regular thing, and it's going to fucking rule!

Nachos in Vegas by this time tomorrow!

Been reading the Forbes 400 richest American list. There sure do seem to be a lot of old white guys on it!

Not good looking, but, you know, I ain't shy.-BK

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