Monday, October 22, 2007

How does one harden their heart and swallow their tears, exactly?

Came thisclose to hitting a deer at 4:49am this morning. Fucking deer don't belong in the parking lot of my apartment complex. I mean, really, they aren't even tenants!

Drove aimlessly for two hours yesterday. It felt good. I drank a quart of chocolate soy milk and at some Gala apples. Cleansing, yo.

Thrift store hunting for the second half of my halloween costume today. It's gonna be awesome. Wild beyond belief. If you're Amish, that is.

I have a weird lump about two inches above my wrist, on the inside of my forearm. It better not be fucking cancer. Cancer is not cool.

If you haven't heard by now, Ron Paul is the only hope for America. Rethink your priorities!

Tom Petty is good stuff.

More shows on the horizon. Including one Wednesday night.

Let's do this shit.-BK

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