Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I'm interested in applying for a job.

Today, US Airways cut 450+ jobs at the airport. Bummer for those people, but it's expected from a company like that. Tens of millions of dollars to build a flight ops center, paint NFL edition aircraft, and pay outrageous bonuses to CEOs, but not enough green to figure out a way to keep people at work instead of on unemployment!. If US Airways goes bankrupt, (again!) I wouldn't really give a fuck either way, but I hope the employees can land on their feet. It's a shitty job market in PGH that's for sure!

Overtime this morning. Sleepytime tonight!

The War on PBS has concluded. Really moving, intimate stuff. Check it out if you can. I found it odd that they chose to ignore the contributions of the Hispanic community, but what do I know, I'm just a baggage handler!

Hey! Check out Ron Paul! Seriously! He's an American for the Constitution!!! Vote! Discuss! Bring troops home! Strengthen America!

I guess so.-BK

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