Friday, October 26, 2007

David Byrne said it.

Ventured out to see a show last night. It was grand. One of my favorite recording artists, David Bazan, formerly of Pedro the Lion, played a solo show at the Garfield Artworks. He played quite a few of my favorite songs, and he played on an electric guitar, which actually is a great testament to how powerful his voice is. If you're so inclined, check out David/Pedro the Lion sometime, you won't be dissapointed. To offset the amount of emo I absorbed through the crowd's attitude, dress, and general presence, I listened to Mastodon all the way home. Mastodon is FUCKING awesome! I mean, a concept album about whaling!? Seriously!

Finally bought a video cam. Watch out YouTube.

Back to work in a day. Meh.

Gonna drink me some beer tonight, I think.

Dexter is a great show. Watch it. It's more interesting than whatever reality show is on. Well, maybe besides Cops. That show never fails to entertain. I hope I never become a "cast member" though.

I put out a personal ad on craigslist and got over 40 responses. There sure are a lot of people willing to settle out in the world! Pale, flabby, odd nerds rejoice.

Well, don't stop believing.-BK

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