Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Sit and watch the clouds roll by, the tall grass sways in the wind.

Mad props go out to Mo Mozuch for having me up at his CD recording last night. I had a great time, and I made people laugh. Plus, there was beer! A cat was chilling at the base of the mic stand for most of my set, and people were sitting on the floor. It had a very "Christmas special" feel to it. Tim Dimond told great, not quite racist jokes about Asian chicks, which is always funny.

Working a double shift today. It's rainy and shitty, and I'm tired. Ugg. (Not the boots.)

Off two days this week. How shall I spend it? Bicycle ride(s)? Cleaning? Sleep? Sleep sounds pretty good!

Las Vegas on Halloween! I'll be partying like Rick James did in 1982, but with no cocaine, bass guitars, vaginas, recording contracts, or dreadlocks.

I have a weird, inverted pimple on my back that's been giving me trouble these past two days. I'm poppin' the fucker tonight. It's gonna rule!

In other body-related news, the lump on my arm seems to be almost gone. Although I can't say I'll miss it, I'll always wonder what it could have been. Goodtimes.

My cousin's wedding is gonna be fun, I'm gonna see how drunk I can get before I fly to back and work at 5am the next day...

I really miss my dog Otis.

That hit the spot.-BK

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