Wednesday, April 1, 2009

At worst, I feel bad for a while.

What do you think of the Obama Administration asking the CEO of GM to resign? Is it fair to ask for regime change if you're financing the company, or is it overstepping a bit? Are car salesmen taking less of a commission? Are hourly workers(who make, on average, 93k a year) working overtime for straight time pay? I don't fucking think so. People throughout GM are not effective or capable of doing their jobs as well as they should be. Just because the public face is gone doesn't mean the body is rehabbed. They'll hang the next CEO out to dry too. We're going to pay the bill. With our tax dollars.

85 million views. Talk about reaching people with your art. I saw him from twenty-five feet away once. Thought I was watching four people. He's that good, and an absolute master of a rare and hard talent. I think his writing is hacky, but his ability more than covers that weakness. Polished to a high sheen. Perfect.

That being said, I'd still rather watch this any day of the week.

Pound for pound and dollar for dollar, Bill Hicks was the greatest comedic mind of all time. Absolutely no fear of, or pandering to, his audience. He did things other comedians, famous or non, only dream about doing.

Speaking of great comedic minds, I had an unusually good time at the Moose last night. Some friends from work came out to see myself and The Chuck throw down, and we both managed to have good sets. My new jokes worked way better than expected, but maybe they were just laughing at me because they know me. That's why a rarely broadcast what I do to friends and coworkers. I don't want people who like me to come to shows. I want it hard.

Goals for spring: Get work at the Improv and oral sex at a movie theater. Doesn't have to be while a movie is playing necessarily, or even in the theater. I'll settle for stationary road head in the parking lot. It's just time to scratch some shit of off the list.

As far as work at the Improv, I need to start playing to bigger audiences and networking. I could give a shit about the talent I'm working with. Some are good, few are great, and most are forgettable. As a comedian, maybe it's more apparent to me when people are "phoning in" a show, but playing big rooms is not a sure sign of talent, it's a sign of drive.

Dairy Queen is open!

The Gmail April Fool's was awesome. Awesome!

Go ahead and pray for me. Doesn't change a thing.-BK

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