Sunday, April 5, 2009

Where in London to find you.

Made me laugh.

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Getting warmer. Have been sleeping naked in preparation for full time naked sleeping season, which is coming up soon.

Not a lot of sleep last night. Two hours. Pants/drawers would not have helped.

I found a bottle of green Tabasco sauce in on my shelf, and a copy of Se7en in my fridge. Go figure.

Oh shit. Company party in Las Vegas. Oh shit.

Big time moment of clarity at yesterday's show. It hit me onstage, during my set. I make people laugh. In doing so, I feel like I'm worth something, like I actually have something to offer to the world. As I've said before, it's not about being famous, or "making it." It's as simple as doing it. Any venue, any time, any audience. I never worry about money. I care much more, so much more, about exposure. I want hundreds, thousands, and millions of people to see me, and I want 80% of them to laugh, and to laugh from their fucking bellies. I never want to walk into a room and make everyone laugh. It's a sign of compromise, of weakness. I don't want to water down my material. I don't give a flying fuck if you're offended by my retard bit because you second cousin, "Special Jimbo" was born with a disability. I'm not making fun of him. I'm not singling him out. I make fun of society, and the inherent weaknesses we have as a group. 2 out of 10 may not be able to take it. Fuck them!

Great song. Makes me sniffle a little. Even if it's associated with Cruel Intentions.

Adam Duritz, lead singer of the Counting Crows, is an inspiration to ugly dudes everywhere. He makes me want to become a millionaire. The list of famous/hot chicks he's banged is impressive, even by "Bruce Willis" standards. His secret can't be in the hair. It just fucking can't be, because if it is, I'm fucked.

My work schedule this week is shit-fucked, but I'll be in Chicago this weekend.

What're you gonna do, strong-arm me?-BK

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