Friday, April 10, 2009

...a part of the cure, or am I part of the disease?

I'm not writing as often because I'm "over" it, as the kids say. Everyone assumes I'm sad because I'm not shitting onto a keyboard everyday, but I'm still me, just with less of a general interest in electronic shitting at the moment.

What am I going to do this upcoming weekend in Chicago?

Good question. So glad you asked:

1. Eat pizza. Probably Phil's.
2. Drink.
3. Maybe head to the city, go dancing, call a girl I know who has a "coke dealer" apartment in a high rise that overlooks Lake Michigan, dance with her, grope her, et. al.
4. See my extended family, but not my parents, as they will be spending their Easter in Arizona, as they are old.
5. Probably hit a Noodles and Company. That place is fucking good!
6. Drink.

The consensus seems to be that my post about my disregard and lack of respect for police officers was overly aggressive and wrong. Well, the crowd is not always right.

This is a "pants pisser" of a good commercial. Memorable, and funny. Tears from the eyes of the Ben Kenny.

Eighties Night(nite?) was super fun yesterday. Quite drunk even before I rolled in. Met up with Steve and Trish, who're both old enough to remember Boy George with zero sense of irony. No dancing though. Had a sportcoat on, and sweat don't suit it very well.

Donora. A breathtaking local band that should no longer be local. They should be huge, and scoff and sigh pretentiously when interviewers mention their Pittsburgh roots. Cross the bridge out of this town slowly, while spreading an accelerant, and set it alight. Never look back, and never acknowledge it's existence. Keep Pittsburgh secret!

Relatively rare. The Great getting physical. Pryor doing "regular" comedy. Still crazy good, and better than virtually every comedian ever!

Bip, bop, bip, bop, bip, bop, bip, sha, la, la, te, da, la!-BK

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