Monday, June 4, 2007

Course Status: MASTERED

The other day, one of my company's aircraft had to make an emergency landing in regards to trouble with the nose gear. Upon arrival, said nose gear collapsed, causing said aircraft to skid across the runway. Thankfully, no one was even injured. Oddly, this incident got no attention in the national news whatsoever. That's weird, as the visual of a plane with no front landing gear usually warrants at least a 15 second blurb on most national news broadcasts. Oh well, I guess it's a busy news week.

Really tired. Really smelly. Really sweaty.

My shoulder is acting up on me again. I may need to ice it down later. Chilly whilst eating chili? Perhaps.

Gonna try for lots of overtime this week.

Look for me Friday night at Slapsticks! If you're in PGH, I have two for one tickets, let me know if you want to come out and laugh it up!

I'm outta here!

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