Saturday, June 2, 2007

I totally space docked with that chick!

I feel a little off today. Could it be the entire Giant Eagle Cheese Pizza I ate and 40 oz. of beer I drank? Naw.

Writing some really cutting-edge stuff. You know, Michael Knight versus the Duke Boys kind of material. Look for it on Comedy Central.

Kind of excited about the Transformers movie, even though I know in my heart it's wrong.

New schedule tomorrow at work. What does this mean? Well, I can stay out past 10pm again! Which, in my case, really means I can read books until midnight, because if I'm not performing somewhere, why would I be out of my apartment?

Today, I'm going to ride my bike.

Bought more freeze pops.

John Cusack is doing a movie about a haunted hotel room. It's based on a story by Stephen King. Should be interesting. Not all of his adaptations have been good, so we'll have to see what happens. John Cusack is the shit, BTW. Anybody remember his rousing performance in America's Sweethearts? Classic cinema for sure.

I've decided there is really no reason for me to vote for the next president, because it really doesn't matter. He/She(ha ha, like Hillary has a chance!) doesn't really care for my demographic's needs anyway.

I'll see yinz later.

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