Thursday, June 14, 2007

Out of my peaceful cab!

Fucking little kids in the fucking library. I don't know exactly what year the rules changed, but when I was a little kid(not so very long ago) when you went to the library, you were QUIET and RESPECTFUL. If not, you were disciplined by the powers that be. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case here in the suburbs of the 'burgh. BECAUSE SOCCER MOMS ARE TOO BUSY FUCKING AROUND WITH THEIR TRIOS! When I'm doing important stuff like browsing craigslist, checking my Myspace, or seeing what time Hostel: Part II is playing, I need quiet time! Fucking little kids in the fucking library.

In other, slightly less ranty news, I advanced in the comedy contest at Cefalo's. Does this mean I was the funniest dude in the room? Lord no! I simply didn't suck quite as much as the other comics. But seriously, I'll take a victory any way I can get one.

I miss Noodles and Company.

Gots ta wash the Warrior today. I think I've washed my car twice since I've lived in Pittsburgh.

Look for me at the Shadow Lounge Monday night, lurking at Cefalo's Wednesday(not doing time), and maybe chilling somewheres else next week. I'll let y'all know.

I guess now you know... AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!

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