Monday, July 2, 2007

...and you shoulda been gone! Knowing how I made you feel...

Vacation was rad, but sadly, due to me not receiving my requested vacation days, all too short. It was still sweet to do absolutely nothing for four days. Also, my parent's alarm clock sucks, as I almost missed my ride to the airport this morning. Luckily, my aunt is very loud.

Transformers comes out tomorrow. Optimus Prime is on my "personal Jesus roster" for sure. Even if the film is good, Michael Bay still owes me ten bucks for Pearl Harbor. That flick sucked!

Found a Noodles and Co. in Wisconsin and was excited to eat there again. It's the little things that help me hold on to my sanity, you know.

Jokes tonight.

Advanced in the Cefalo's contest, again. Look for me rocking the mic on July 18th. You know it'll kinda, sorta be worth it.

96.9 Bob FM plays some gnarly eighties music for sure!

That's all I got.

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