Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Cuba Gooding should've had a much bigger part, he's way better than Ben Affleck.

Saw Transformers yesterday night, and I must say it didn't disappoint. Yes, they changed Bumblebee into a Camaro, and Megatron isn't a gun anymore, among other things, but overall, miraculously, Michael Bay stayed true to the goals and plot lines of the original cartoon.

It was still a Micheal Bay flick, full of slow-motion hero sequences, bright sun-lit shots, and non-static camera work, but I really liked seeing some of my childhood heroes on the big screen. I'll probably go see it again. It was pretty cool. Although Shia Lebouf's performance wasn't exceptional, I still think he's one of the finer young actors out there today. It's basically him versus Emile Hirsch.

I finally got some fucking overtime.

I've been sleeping too much lately.

G'day mates!

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