Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What hood do you hail from?

Tour de France is getting interesting. Go Leipenheimer! (He's American yo!)

I wish I could say comedy was fun last night, but performing in front of four people was really more of a chore. Dinner at Whole Foods, which is down the street from the venue, was delicious. I had the BBQ Tempeh. It was tasty, and not over spiced like a lot of tempeh dishes can be.

Wednesday night. Cefalo's. Show up. Vote for me. Have a drink or five. Laugh. Vote for me.

This coming week should be good for movies. I'm looking most forward to Sunshine, Danny Boyle's new joint about some astronauts who go on a mission to restart the sun, thus saving humanity as we know it(in 2057, at least.) If you don't know who Danny Boyle is, you're stupid. He's made two of the most important films to come outta Britain in 15 years, Trainspotting and the incomparable 28 days later... Make yourself familiar with these films. You'll be a better nerd for it!

Had a good sleep last night.

I guess this is goodbye.

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