Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm still not cool.

I like to watch bad movies. I consider it a personal challenge. Yesterday, I went to see Captivity, and I must say, it was probably the worst movie I've seen in the past 2 years. This movie is so flawed, I'm seriously surprised it got green-lighted, financed, produced, and released. To start with, Elisha Cuthbert lacks the strength to carry the film as she is nothing more than a pretty face. Plus, there's no character development, sub-plots, or even anything really gory. This movie SUCKED! I didn't even get to see her tits, which is what disappointed me the most.

Been listening to the Rollins Band lately. It's good to go back to the 90's, when music was merely mediocre, and not totally fucking horrible.

The weather is nice today. When one works outside, one truly understands and is able to define their own personal "perfect day." To an office dweller, this may simply be: "sunny, with a nice breeze." To an outside laborer, it might consist of: "slightly cloudy, the wind was blowing from the east in light gusts, and when the sun came out, it was already too late in the day for it to be hot, although it was good to feel it on my shoulders." Little differences.

Food shopping today. I've been in a heavy orange period as of late. I should probably buy some apples or pears, or maybe even a banana or six. Smoothies are missed, and need to be brought back.

I think I'll take a walk and finish reading "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris, tonight as well.

See you all later.

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