Friday, July 13, 2007

A three hour comedy show...

I've got nothing to do this afternoon. No interesting movies are out, no work around the house to do, and exercise is out of the question. Perhaps I'll go to a museum, or maybe write something funny.

If there was a fire at Ikea, I wouldn't be sad. I went there to buy a small rug and ended up almost killing 3 small children. Hitting kids my be wrong by today's standards, but when I was a kid, I never acted up in Ikea(that's right, I lived in Sweden!). Folks, please hit your children.

I've got it! I'll wash my car! As a reward for washing my car, maybe I'll go to Whole Foods.

Anyway you want it, that's the way you need it, hope your day is less mundane than mine!


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