Sunday, July 22, 2007

I think I'm drowning!

Perhaps my words about Tammy Faye were a little harsh. I guess I'm just a harsh dude. I'm sorry for saying such a malicious thing. What can I say, cancer sucks.

Telling a few jokes this week. Earthstone's mic is reopening on Tuesday night, so check that shit out roundabout eight or so.

Look for people doing stolen material at the Cefalo's contest on Wednesday night. I might be there doing a guest set and/or just hangin' out.

Heading to NYC August 12-15th. Comedy recon mission. I'd like to be able to honestly gauge where the strength of my material, act, and "persona" is against the NYC comics. I don't think I'm going to like what I find out, but I'm going anyways.

Went to see I Know Pronounce You Chuck and Larry and while it's not a bad movie, it suffers from the same thing Evan Almighty suffered from. Mainly, it injects too much seriousness into the storyline, it get's a little preachy. I'm not looking for a movie to malign the gay community, but I don't want a movie that's afraid to poke a little fun either.

Myspace is now mysteriously accessible from work. YEAH!

Have a good one!

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