Friday, July 27, 2007


Irony: When two news helicopters crash while covering a car chase in Phoenix, Arizona, therefore becoming the story themselves. Sadly, both stations involved took a ratings plunge, because they...uh, didn't have any aerial coverage.

Chance that I might have a future after all: Reports surfaced today involving NASA astronauts under the influence of alcohol while in-flight. Look for me to be reporting from Cape Canaveral from now on!


Look for some more joke action from me next week.

I finished reading "Hell's Angels" today, and for a book that's forty years old, it's pretty good, and it did a good job of separating a media myth from reality. Plus, Hunter S. Thompson had his ashes shot out of a cannon in Colorado. Seriously, if you found out an author had his ashes shot out of a cannon, wouldn't you read every one of his works???

Slept 14 hours last night. It was a struggle, but I kept my focus, and pulled through.

Stay safe out there troopers!

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