Saturday, May 26, 2007

All this time you were pretending?! So much for my happy ending!

Purchased and watched Sarah Silverman: Jesus is Magic last night. I'm enamored with Ms. Silverman, mostly because she seems like a chick who'd be down to go bridge jumping with me. Her comedy, well, I just don't know what I think yet. I think it's centered on shock value, a "hey, let me say something really racist and then laugh it off slyly." Maybe she gets away with this because she's female, or because she's Jewish, or because she's hot, I don't know. Maybe if Lisa Lampanelli was 15 years younger and 30 pounds lighter she'd be the biggest comic in the world. Oh well, Sarah Silverman doesn't throw bags for a living, which means she's probably doing something right.

Perhaps she's Andrew Dice Clay for the new millennium???

Still reading The Stand. Trashcan Man?

Made some awesome bean burritos yesterday. They were super good, and the dollar store organic salsa wasn't that bad either. Tonight, I believe I'll have carrots with ranch and apples with peanut butter and maybe a banana bar.

My mother always would buy a set amount of freeze-pops for the summer. After they ran out, that was it. I buy freeze-pops for myself now. They're about 2 bucks for 22 of them at Giant Eagle. This has led me to conclude that my mother was abusive. I just don't know how I survived my childhood intact. Relatively intact, at least.

"1850 on the ground for three"

Gotta go.

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