Friday, May 25, 2007

Sugar Ray or Sigur Ros?

So anyways.

I see our illustrious government has allocated another 120 billion dollars to "Vietnam: The Iraq Years." That's great. Nothing makes me happier than knowing our troops are being blown to bits protecting 400 dollar a day Halliburton truck drivers while their families live on peanuts back home. God, I love America.

And another thing. Maybe this cements my asshole status, but it needs to be said: If your son/daughter dies in Iraq, don't insist on celebrating their lives endlessly. They volunteered, usually with the promise of free college or other incentives. Their loss is sad, but if you claim it's in defense of America, you're just fucking wrong. You're grieving, and unable to accept the fact your kid died for nothing. .02

Van Halen was a better band with Sammy Hagar, but was by no means a bad band with David Lee Roth in it. Gary Sharone, on the other hand, will be hotly debated by historians in future centuries. Kind of sad the VH got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and only Michael Anthony(Bass) and Sammy decided to show up. Roth was going to show, but insisted on performing some stuff with Velvet Revolver. You know your career is shit when Velvet Revolver turns down the chance to back you. I wrote this because I've been listening to 5150 this week. It's a pretty good album. Buy it.

I'm reading The Stand again, which I consider to be one of the finest works of fiction ever written. I probably read it every two years of so. It's nice to read a 1200 page book, a complete story, instead of just a pulpy little novel every once in a while, at least.

It's your thang, do what you wanna do.

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