Thursday, May 17, 2007

Probably about 7:30 or so.

Went to see 28 Weeks Later last night. Like virtually all sequels, it wasn't as good as the first, but still, this was a pretty good flick. If you haven't seen the forerunner, 28 Days Later, you missed a great horror flick, probably the best of the last decade. Like the original, this film is effective because the psychology of the main characters is more than just the usual generic, skin deep stuff we see in most horror movies. Also, the helicopter decapitation scene beat the living fuck out of the one in Planet Terror. As an added bonus, Robert Carlyle is in this flick, and if you know Robert Carlyle's work, you know that he is the shit!

What else? Hmm... Apparently, I get to do a little improving tonight, which I'm looking forward to, as I haven't done it with a group in quite some time. It's not really my thing, but it is nice to do once in a while.

For some reason, I always find myself awakening between the hours of 2 and 3 AM. Sometimes it's a brief jolt, and sometimes I'm laying there for 40 minutes, just thinking. I'm perturbed, because I never have to use the bathroom or anything like that. Oh well.

I bought a watch again. It's nice to know what time it is at glance, instead of digging into my pocket like a fool, flipping open my cell phone, and then forgetting to set my outside screen to a higher resolution to in order to read the time.

Might buy a new keyboard for my computer, as I recently spilled beer all over it. What a dumb move on my part. Beer is too precious to do that to.

I'm gonna listen to Year Zero by Nine Inch Nails when I get home. It's pretty rad. In other rad-related news, I hear there's a part 2 to this album coming out sometime around the fall. I'll leave on that.

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