Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bode Miller's cousin did WHAT!!??

It's kind of(is) sick that we live in a society when someone can be so famous, so well known, that when a relative of theirs makes a mistake, it's national news. Case in point: Bode Miller's idiot cousin. If you follow the news, you've already heard about it, if not, I'm not going to share it. It's just a sad, too common, fact of life in American society.

Like his dead cousin, Bode Miller is an idiot, as evidenced by his enthusiasm for drinking when he should be training to do what he does best, i.e. skiing, balls out. Bode Miller can ski faster, better, and harder than almost anyone alive. He spent his Olympics "partying at an Olympic level" instead of potentially winning five medals. I've seen him ski in person, and he is amazing to watch, but leave the drinking to "extreme" skiers and boarders, and spend more time in the gym and on the hill.


Today is Mother's Day, or as I know it, "Remember not to ask Mom for any money during this call, Day." I hope I remember to call again next year. I already missed her birthday and anniversary, which secures my place on the shit list, indefinitely.

Oh yeah, I decided not to get a dog. Mostly because I don't have the time to raise a dog right, which wouldn't be fair to the dog, or anyone who meets said dog in the course of their day. I do look forward to the day when I have the time to get a dog. It's gonna be awesome!

Dale Earnhardt, Jr. has left his stepmother's racing team, which is probably good for him. You don't want to be driving a car owned by your stepmother at over 190mph while your feuding over money. You could pull a "Dale Earnhardt, Sr." which would be very, very bad for you, but great for the marketing people.

'til Tuesday, keep it down now. Voices carry.

(Did you guys know Aimee Mann was in that group? She was also in The Big Lebowski.) Italics are fucking sweet!

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