Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Take it to the limit. Walk along the razor's edge.

I was having a bad day yesterday. I paid most of my bills, and even got a little overtime, but I was just down.

Then Jerry Falwell died.

If I had the bio-mechanical ability to do cartwheels, I would've.

Jerry Falwell was a bigot, a racist, a prude, fat, and just generally ignorant. He never really made any lasting changes in the fabric of American society(THANK GOD!) and the only time he got press was when he responded to some horrible event with an equally unimaginable comment. Like when he blamed 9/11 on everyone who wasn't an evangelical, or when he issued religiously-biased "voter guides." And of course, the 300 dollar tie pin in his cheap suit, calling Tinky Winky a fag. The world is a better place without him. Now we just need to get rid of "Liberty" University.

Actually, whilst reading coverage of the story I realized something: There isn't one good picture of Jerry Falwell anywhere. Try and find one. He did have a mighty impressive jowl though.

Nothing much else to rant on today. I got chocolate covered sunflower seeds and they're good.

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