Sunday, May 27, 2007

da doo doo doo da de da de doo

Not too much going on. Telling jokes at Slapsticks! Thursday night. Possibly getting a showcase set on Friday night somewheres....

Not sure if my normal Monday night comedy extravaganza is going down due to tomorrow being a holiday for all the dead/maimed/post-traumatic stress disorder soldiers and whatnot. What's better than remembering the sacrifices millions of our youth made for America? Why, doing it with a beer in hand over the course of a long weekend, that's what! Well, a long weekend for normal job type people, I'm working.

Been thinking.

Been thinking 'bout gambling. Las Vegas? Reno? Atlantic City? No money though. Bummer.

It rained a smidgen yesterday, and the rubber buffer thing on the border of my windshield kinda popped out of it's track. My God, car ownership rules!

Watched The Usual Suspects yesterday. Like Memento, this is a film that's better the second or third time around. Very cool. Why Gabriel Byrne doesn't get roles like that anymore, I don't know. He was the best part of End of Days. Did you know that it's the only movie that Arnold is in when his (human) character dies? Satan rules!

Well, I hope you have a good Memorial Day. Try not to think of the people spending it in Iraq, and don't whore out their memories next year...

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