Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have nothing to lose, but I owe money on it.

So the deputy director of the "Justice" Department is resigning his post due, in part, to the "financial obligations" of having two college-aged kids. He makes 165,000 dollars a year. Do his kids go to college on the moon? Maybe he's resigning because the "Justice" Department was been little more than a Republican networking tool for the past six years and his(and other's) exploitation of the Constitution for political/financial gain is finally coming to light.... or maybe it really is hard to put two kids through college on a mere 165,000 thousand dollars a year. Maybe my machinist father and special education teaching mother are just really humble about the state of their finances? I just don't know anymore! Fuck.

One comedy night was non-existent yesterday, and one was severely curtailed. Oh well, it's not like I could have been sleeping, riding my bike, doing laundry, cooking for the week, or working overtime. Oh wait. I could've been doing all those things. But I made someone laugh yesterday, which is what it's all about really, making someone laugh. Sadly, there were 8 people(7 of them comics) in the room, so "someone" just wasn't cutting it.

I've become an evening coffee drinker(don't drink it in the AM). I don't quite know what to make of it at this point.

We were discussing Spider-Man 3 yesterday and I realized it really isn't a good movie. How can a movie be considered "good" if the best, most memorable part is a cameo by Bruce Campbell. Nothing against Bruce, I'm a HUGE fan actually, but cameos are supposed to be more of a "ha ha" type thing, not a "hey, I thought the Bruce Campbell cameo was the best scene in the film" type of thing.

Look for me dropping the hilarity Thursday night at Slapsticks! and maybe even getting my headshot done this week.

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