Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I don't think you see my point.

Why donate blood when you can sell your plasma?

I am very poor. Moving across this mediocre land of ours on 10 dollars an hour with a brand new car can do that to a soul. My own fault entirely, so I'll stop complaining.

Went to see Bug yesterday. It's a pretty interesting flick, and it's cool to see movies with small casts, few settings, etc... You don't seem to see that much these days. It was also very nice to see Ashley Judd break out of her crappy cookie cutter roles and stretch her sea legs a little.

Extremely Drug Resistant (XDR) TB in the ATL. I finished The Stand today. OMFG!

Not too much else. Going to attempt to make marinara sauce from scratch-ish tonight. Yesterday, I was struck with an idea that I don't really understand why I never had before. Chili and macaroni and cheese. It is hard to explain the deliciousness of it in the written word!

Telling jokes tomorrow night at Slapsticks! Now that American Idol is over, maybe y'all motherfuckin' asses can hop on a plane, fly to Pittsburgh, and see me do seven minutes of comedy. I'll be funny for three of them. Maybe. My fucking God, those last few sentences were such a shitty comic cliche!

Kids are even more louder and annoying when confined in the space of your local public library. Fucking kids. I'm almost happy I never get laid, as the thought of a kid of my own induces vomiting and further thoughts of suicide.

Don't stop thinking' about tomorrow!

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