Monday, May 14, 2007

We love to work.

I drank a lot last night. At the bar this time. Jack and Pepsi with my homies and homettes from work. It was a grand affair. Something was weird though. You see, if you're like me, you have to pee while drinking. Oddly, over the course of 5 hours of hard drinking(there is no other kind for Ben Kenny) I not once had the urge to use the washroom. Even on the drive home, no urge. I got home, evacuated a gallon of liquid, and went to bed. The End. Boy, the human body sure does rule!

Rocking the mic tonight at Earthstone and then in the competition at PD's Pub. By the time you read this, it'll have already happened, so it's useless to give addresses. But if you can travel through time, let me know, and I'll hook you up.

I'm not ashamed to be a Sheryl Crow fan, btw.

I think that's all I really needed to say today.

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