Monday, May 28, 2007

YKK on your zippa!

Did you ever think that maybe Lindsay Lohan is some sort of angel sent down from heaven, meant to show us mere mortals how not to live our lives?

Me neither.

Like most men and nearly 10% of women, I have a "thing" for Miss Lohan. So like her because she's "hot," some because she's a type of American sweetheart, and some poor, tasteless, souls think she can act. I like her because she looks strikingly similar to Ann Margaret, who was one of the first actresses I ever considered to be "pretty." Thanks for letting me watch Viva Las Vegas with you dad!

I tell ya.

It grows hotter. It grows hotter most every week. Summer is upon us. We all know what summer means for comedians who day-light as baggage handlers... Chaffing season. No fun. No fun at all. Plus, since I don't have hair, I must now apply sunscreen to my noggin. What's better than sweat in your eyebrows? You guessed it, sunblock in your eyes!


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