Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A gym teacher, huh?

I was thinking how cool it would be to walk around with a samurai sword all day long. You know, just walk into a movie. "Sir! Sir, you haven't paid yet!" (our hero casts his eyes towards the sword at his side, the villain backs away) "Sorry Sir!"

Performed at an interesting venue called Shadow Lounge last night. For what might have been the second or third time in my comic career in Pittsburgh, their appeared to be more customers than comics. I went on first, and weaved my usual web of intricate, in-depth, unfunny comedy magic. The host, who I'd seen once or twice around town, headlined, and I must say he's a pretty talented improviser. Everyone can improvise, but to be able to make me forget that you're improvising, well... that's pretty fucking good!

Later today I'm going to acquire some food at Giant Eagle. I already scored some dollar store shells and cheese, cookies, and popcorn.

I need to buy a dish to bake casserole in, as I jettisoned most of my kitchen when I left Golden. Veggie lasagna with soy sausage you say? I say fuck yes! Fuck yes indeed!

Woke up to a bloody nose today. Upon initial eye-opening, I thought I'd simply swallowed some sleep slobber or something, but it tasted too syrup-esque for that, so I sat up, and unintentionally covered my chest and pelvis with a torrent of blood. It was a great way to start my day off.

I didn't get overtime tomorrow, and I am pissed.

Been writing a lot of interesting stuff pertaining to Christianity. Molding it into a cohesive, solid, and funny set of stand-up will be a challenge.

Still don't have a TV in my apartment, and still don't feel the need for one.

Thanks a lot, I'm Ben Kenny.

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