Friday, May 18, 2007

Mind over matter.

Comedy went pretty well last night, some new jokes worked, and a few didn't. I was happy to have had the chance to do I little group improv again. I'd forgotten how much of a challenge it is, and how it pushes you out of your comfort zone.

I'm back at Slapsticks tonight for an encore of sorts. Not really, but come see me anyways. I can hook you up "2-for-1" style, and who doesn't like something for nothing? Plus, if the show sucks, you only spent half of what you could have spent!

The Floyd Landis trail/hearing got very weird today. It seems to me that Greg Lemond is just trying to rake muck over the accomplishments of Floyd, and before him, Lance Armstrong. As a cyclist, it's interesting, because if I was in a peloton(fancy French word for pack) and everyone else was on dope, what would be my motivation to stay clean? I guess everyone is innocent until proven guilty here in the ol' US of A, and I just hope Landis gets a fair shake.

I ate a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast today. It was super good, probably because I used three slices of American cheese. Tasty.

Sleeping weather has been pretty awesome here in Western PA this week. Nice and cool. It was so cool this week I actually had to put on clothes while sleeping. I usually sleep naked, so I'll leave you with that mental picture for today.

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