Friday, March 20, 2009

Birth of Venus.

Besides their enviable and ultra fantastic pornography, Japan is to be admired for the sense of honor many of it's citizens still have. They recognize that failure is weakness, and many accept the responsibility and shame. Dying in the woods isn't too bad of a way to go, actually.

Show at Gorman's Pub Wednesday. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles experimenting with their sexuality jokes!

Also, it's been about three months. It's time! Time to open up Obama season. Gotta be tactful about the race thing though. There's a difference between being smart and confrontational and being racist as hell. I'm still trying to find out what the difference is, but I get beat up less, so I think I'm moving in the right direction.

Note: I do not tell racist jokes. Unless they are about racists. Hence, "racist joke" being appropriate for the name of the joke, but not actually racist in nature. I am racist in nature, but I'm trying to kill those opinions, even if they're private. Anyone from the suburbs who isn't willing to admit to racist tendencies is a liar!

Reached 200 Facebook friends the other day. People I went to high school with who didn't mean shit to me then still don't. It's funny to see where their lives are in relation to mine. My consensus: I ain't doing too bad!

Someone who I'm casually acquainted with commented on their high school reunion plans like so: "Why lose weight and travel across the country to collectively remember something so utterly forgettable to people like us?" They moved from "acquaintance" to "friend" in a heartbeat. Plus, they have a vagina. Always a deal-maker.

What did I do in high school? I used epic amounts of drugs(not pot. drugs) and tried to keep coming up with reasons to go on living.

I've stopped using drugs, but still need the reasons to go on living. This may be it. I want one, OK? I fucking want one!

Every creature,(which fetuses aren't!) big and small, deserves a shot at a full life. Animals, like Star Trek fans, are innocents, and must be protected if we consider ourselves the truly dominant species on this planet.

I'm deeply ashamed to publicly admit how excited I am about this movie. The Force for life of course, but I think it's interesting to make Starfleet sexy in ways besides the token hot chick with pointy ears...

Do I look like the bracket type?-BK

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