Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm not going to make you a Boston Pancake.

Saw Watchmen last night and man oh man oh man was it good. Easily the best, most true to form adaptation of a comic book/graphic novel ever made. Yes, fellow nerds, even better than any of the Batmans. More visually stunning than Sin City or 300. The Spiderman films were all really good from all points of view. Watchmen makes them look like student films.

The economy is fine. How do I know? Well, college students are going to spring break in the same droves they usually go in. Odd though. We've been paging them to their planes all day long. At least 20 of them throughout the course of the day. Future leaders of America who don't understand when to be on a plane. Great. That's just great.

Check him out. He's on the friend list.-BK

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