Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Senses have been drowned.

People of my generation no longer wear bathrobes. It's kind of weird. Once I get a recliner, I'm getting a bathrobe. Spme of the old traditions must be brought back. Bathrobes and hitting children particularly.

I fucking hate, fucking hate, fucking HATE, when I see parents attempting to discipline young children with logic and reason. A child's mind is best ruled through fear of violence, not compromises on TV time. It's stupid to kneel to a child's eye level and explain the error in their ways. They don't understand. They're selfish. The only time my father ever kneeled in front of me was in order to gain leverage to better shake the shit out of me for being a little smart ass. Make the world a better, more productive, and healthier place. Beat your children as required.

Back to work tomorrow morning. Super excited. Went to physical therapy yesterday. What a fucking joke. I injured my foot because I lift, jump, drop, crawl, and scramble for 8 hours(often more) a day, not because I was playing with elastic sheeting. So how is elastic sheeting going to make me better? I'm happy I'm not paying for any of it.

Oh shit. Friday. Watchmen.

"Humans have a strength that cannot be measured." I have incredible expectations for the this film. Christian Bale is the John Connor of Hollywood. He can save us from cliched acting and Owen Wilson. He can save us all.

I have no further comments on that matter, or any matter, so what's the matter?-BK

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