Friday, March 6, 2009

Large quesadilla.

First warm day of the year. My balls were stuck to my leg today. First time this season. That's how I know it's the first warm day of the year.

Strangely, I have no foot pain to speak of today. I'm not complaining.

In relationship news, I cut out a picture of Katy Perry from Esquire. I taped it up on my work locker next to my picture of Megan Fox, which I acquired from the esteemed pages of GQ(it was shot by Terry Richardson). Masturbatory polyamory rules! Please note: I do not masturbate at work. I often plan what I'll masturbate to, but never, ever, do I fight the one-eyed monster on Company time.

Hey Michelle. Click the Terry Richardson link. You'll find my header picture there. I don't have the file on my computer anymore. Sorry it took a while for me to respond to that query.

I wrote jokes all day long. Most will never see the light of stage. Because they're over your head. Too smart for rooms at Harvard I am.

The tragic thing is that it wasn't filmed.-BK

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