Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Three proven wells.

Bird on cat eroticism. Love how the cat just lays there and takes it. Fucking hot.

The end of the home buying process draws nigh.

Bobby Jindal needs to learn how to lead before he perfects his bitching technique.

The Republicans should be afraid to attack Obama. He fucking steamrolled them. But as it's been said before, the problem is not with the political parties, the problem is the government! Vote Libertarian!

Got far too drunk last night.

I'm tired of the comedic discourse as of late. Really fucking tired, actually.

Are there good comedians in Pittsburgh? Of course there are.

Are there good venues in Pittsburgh? Yes.

Are the owners of these venues and the promoters of the evenings willing to financially stake their evenings? No.

Comedy in larger cities like Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, etc is successful not because of street promotion, but because of the media. You want people at shows? Put ads in the City Paper. Paid ads, not classifieds. Run the show better. Keep it tight. Don't let some drunk asshole(me, last night) do ten minutes of nothing onstage.

I have very few friends(by choice) and I'm not going to use them as pawns to get unpaid stage time. I respect them, and myself, too much.

(Not directed at Mitch or anyone specific, btw. Merely my observation.)

I love comedy, but not unconditionally.

Pittsburgh is a dumb town. People here like meat slathered in sauces, light beer, and sports. They do not have an artistically inclined mindset. I still like it here, enough to buy a home and make a play at a decent life, but I've accepted that that's the way it is.

I'm down for any show, at any time, but I'm not going to harbor false hope. There will never be a comedy scene in Pittsburgh worthy of nationwide attention. It ain't going to happen. The talent, arguably, is here. The fans aren't.

As a comedian, I don't feel obligated to be "part" of the scene. I don't feel having a scene is even necessary. When it comes down to it, I'd cut out your fucking throat if I saw you in the way of a good gig, and any comedian I respect would do the same to me. This is fucking show business. Show business. Not show friendship. Not a comedy hippie commune of some sort.

I wasted a lot of time typing the above. It doesn't matter.

I voted two weeks ago.-BK

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