Saturday, March 14, 2009

Joey, do you like movies about gladiators?

I've made an important, life-altering decision. Airplane! is the funniest movie of all time. It is without peer. There must be at least seventy killer jokes in this movie, and at least four running bits that still floor me.

A lot of politically correct types would call this racist. That's because they're all very stupid. This doesn't demean anyone. I think it's one of the best bits ever written.

Double shift today. First time in a long time. Money is good. Lack of sleep/spending 16 hours underground, not so good.

I thought I found a suit at the thrift store yesterday. Unfortunately for me, and female population of greater Pittsburgh, the collar was torn out. Drats like a motherfucker.

Booking shows for April. You know you want me.

I thought it was really weak of Jon Stewart to attack Jim Cramer like he did. I don't think Cramer gives bad advice, or misleads investors. I think Stewart was looking for easy prey, someone his audience would already be inclined to hate, and he found it in Jim Cramer.

I still hate Kid Rock, but pimp-to-pimp, I gotta admit, the man has panache.

My personal favorite Queen song. Still can't believe Freddie Mercury was gay. No outward clues whatsoever. Hipsters idolize the mustache, as they should.

I'm back on Swedish Fish. Don't know why I ever left.

It's not a safety issue when the nature of the job is dangerous.-BK

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