Sunday, March 29, 2009

That type.

I am really not too far off from being a caveman. Dinner consisted of three veggie hotdogs, sliced and thrown into a sauce pan of macaroni and cheese. The classy kind, with the actual semi-liquid cheese sauce. I ate it straight from the pan. You know how I do! I find that I have to set aside a portion of the food for "later" or tomorrow's meal prior to actually eating any part of the meal. I'm a glutton, and if you set something before me, it's going to fucking disappear in it's entirety. A preemptive strike is always necessary.

You know what, fuck these motherfuckers who are up in arms over the fact that the word "freedom" has been removed from the name of the building(s) being constructed at the site of the former World Trade Center. The World Trade Center was a business campus. People didn't "fight for the American way of life" inside of it. They processed credit reports, foreclosed on homes, jacked interest rates, brokered commodities, sued each other, and often broke laws. These are/were the class of people to take bonuses paid for with government bailout money. These people were in the wrong place at the worst time, not patriots. Their memories have been abused enough. Thousands of additional lives wasted to "avenge" them. Such a pity.

This is the best "children's" book of all time. I'm not sure if I like the idea of a film adaptation, but I'm still excited about it. Spike Jonze was definitely the right choice to helm it. Stop reading and go see Adaptation right now if you haven't already!

I saw a cardinal the other day. The bird, not the Catholic and/or baseball playing kind. Made my day. Hadn't seen one in years. Rednecks probably shoot at them a lot, and there are rednecks aplenty here in PA.

Hummed this while pooping sometime before the sun came up. Thought you'd like to know.

How bad is the new U2 album? Well the new(ish) Coldplay album is better by leaps and bounds, and that album isn't as good as previous Coldplay efforts, which, arguably, are not as good as early U2. That's how bad the new U2 is. I'd still listen to it over Fall Out Boy, any day of the week. Even if I was offered money, or even poon of some sort, to listen to said Fall Out Boy album.

Traffic? This early?-BK

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