Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Lilian, look what you've done.

My past three posts have been shit, but Daddy's back on form today!

This week's episode of Terminator: The Sara Connor Chronicles didn't suck. Finally! You know a show's in trouble when they've done a "dream" episode. I was pissed last week. Hella pissed.

I really like White Pizza. I never remember having it growing up in Chicago. It is the best of the PA pizza I've consumed, even though it's still weak and uninspired. It's a nice change from the normal.

White Pizza, for those who don't know, is essentially pizza with a garlic/oil sauce under the cheese in place of tomato sauce and sliced tomato on top of the cheese. It's like cheese-garlic bread, but on pizza dough. Italian food is similar to Mexican food in the fact that there are only really 8 or 9 ingredients and techniques, but they're mixed ad infinitum.

I bought beer for the house yesterday. Straub. It's good. A nice break from my normal choices, Yuengling and Miller High Life. I drink it about ten percent of the time.

Occasionally, I'll have a beer with some chips and salsa right after a particularly shitty day at work, but I usually only drink in my home after I've returned from drinking abroad in the Iron City, night cap style.

Seventy degrees today. In addition to being unseasonably warm, it's Saturday, which meant the streets of Millvale were filled with unwed mothers and their innocent, yet doomed to a life of state aid and free school lunch, children. Lots of profanity and arguing interspersed with giggling heard outside my window.

As if that wasn't bad enough on it's own, every, and I mean EVERY douchebag who owns a motorcycle was out riding as well. Since their bikes have been in their parents' garages all winter, they felt the need to rev the shit out of them and accelerate madly down the streets. PA does have a helmet law, which is good, because these people are enough of a drain on society without being vegetables too.

And of course, life's grand circle continues. Perched on the back of these motorcycles, young, milky white calves likely to be burned by the exhaust? Girls probably not too far out of high school. It's a shame their hymens do not function as poorly as their brains.

Isn't it iconic? Don't ya think? The cameraman must have been a little person or something...

I thought briefly about working out today. Then I tried on my work shorts. If I suck in just a wee bit, and shimmy my hips like only a white boy from the suburbs can, they fall off. Fuck working out for the time being.

I thought about getting a somewhat dangly and always awe-inspiring part of my anatomy pierced today too. I've been thinking about it for a while. Merely thinking, considering, but not planning. I will most likely continue to think for a while still. My job is physical, I am clumsy and uncoordinated even when not working, and ripping that out would not be pleasant. Not even in the normal "Please stomp on my balls, Mistress" sort of way.

Hollywood makes it hard to plan suicide. Luckily, I am not impulsive. This looks great. Besides the obvious appeal of the stars, it was directed by Michael Mann, one of my favorites.

My favorite thing about this movie is the incessant use of the word "fuck" in... the... NARRATION!

Well yeah, but that car doesn't come with the ability to actually speak to women.-BK

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