Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We will burn your cities down.

Waking up for work at 3:45 AM always sucks. Always. Sucks. Getting proper sleep is impossible, and starting your car at an hour when, on the weekend, you're used to stopping it, is no fun at all. I was in bed at 9:30 last night, fell asleep at 10 or so, worke up at midnight, and have been awake since.

The challenge today is to not allow myself to take a nap as soon as I get home.

And my foot has decided to start hurting, a lot, again.

Heard the new U2 album at work today. Wished so desperately I hadn't. Even if it's overplayed and polished, you come to expect a sound from U2, and when they do something different, they just seem kind of lame, and really stupid.

My phone has the ability to verbally read/pronounce text messages. "Ben Kenny is the god of fuck" for example, sounds awesome.

Wathcing Raising Arizona yesterday. Again. Twice. I am convinced it is as close to perfect as a film can get.

Too good!

It's no fun like that.-BK

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