Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holy Shit! Sorry, I meant GEE GOLLY!!

The end is near. 5 more hours and then some sleep. Pure, sweaty, rejuvenating sleep. I slept less than three hours last night, which, when you're staring down the barrel at twenty-five years of age, isn't as easy to do as when I was young.

Since I've been spending a good deal of not so quality time here in the airport this week, it makes sense that I've been pooping here too.

Pooping isn't a big deal to a lot of people, but, if you couldn't tell by now, I'm not a lot of people. I prefer pooping only in my home. It's not so much a cleanliness thing as it is a privacy and comfort thing. I will hold my bowels in until I can make it home, often for hours at a time, but that just isn't practical when virtually trapped at the airport.

Good thing this airport has a more than adequate "S.S.L." That's right, a "Secret Shit Location." I'm not going to tell you where it's located, but I can tell you that it is surgically clean, has six stalls, is entirely deserted, and classical music plays over the loudspeaker.

In summation, it's a good place to take a crap. A worthy stand-in commode. I only wish there were birds chirping, and maybe my neighbor using profanity at and around her two toddlers(different dads!). Then it would be just like home. It's still sweet though. Almost like being paid to poop, I suppose.

Still with me??? Damn. You're a tenacious one!

In other news, I've been writing new material and bringing old ideas to the comedic market in my head. It feels very good to be doing so.

Right now, the scope of things I'm creating/writing/riffing on is wide, like the floodlights of a snowplow. I need to narrow my creativity to a focused, effective beam, kind of like an Audi with a LED headlight system that passes you at 45mph when there's four inches of snow on the ground. I need to be that singularly focused prick.

This is what creativity is all about. Mad Men. Every episode is a Pandora's Box of humor, drama, success, pain, confusion, deviant acts, moral fortitude, etc... watch it. I watch it at work if it's on, when I can, but I'm seriously thinking of getting it on DVD. Everything about this show is cool, and not a damn thing about it seems forced. That's the mark of cool I suppose, being effortless. Gary Grant had it, Kanye West has it, and I'm trying my ass off to look like I could one day possibly, kinda-sorta, attain it.

I missed The Police. Some said I missed a great show. Others said I didn't miss much at all.

This always brightens up a dreary day for me.

It's always funny how a mere ten minutes of rain will make your feet wet for an entire double shift. Funny like Dane Cook.

1421 is on the ground for Alpha 1.-BK

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