Monday, July 21, 2008

Tom's Diner

I overdrew the shit out of my checking account. Having fun, paying for gas, and cleaning up poop is not cheap. Look for me to be living a la monk/poor person for the next two weeks, peanut butter and jelly style.

This is rock and roll. Nobody I know who is into music seems to be aware of this phenomenal band. Eagles of Death Metal bring the fun and stay for the afterparty. They don't seem like the kind of people who drink light beer either, which gives them cool points in the bonus rounds. I met these guys back in Denver and they are the real deal. Respect.

I Want You So Hard

Only Want You

You see? I told ya! Rock and roll!

I get to see The Dark Knight today!

Taking pictures of your dick with (someone else's) digital camera just isn't as magical.

Oh Christ I'm poor.-BK

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