Thursday, July 10, 2008

Leave no alternative.

Ugh. How do all you "normal" type folks keep 9-5 hours? It's only been three days, and I'm dying. I can't sleep at night, and I have no energy to do anything after work. Even better, I now catch both rush hours on Pittsburgh's outstanding(for 1968) highway system.

My left quad is on fire. It doesn't hurt when I'm stagnant, but when I get up and move, it is almost agonizingly painful to walk on. Maybe this is the limp I've been waiting for. It seems to be getting worse. Luckily, I'm off work for two days, so maybe things will "chillax" a bit, and I won't have to go to the clinic, and/or on medical leave. Not cool.

I saw WALL-E again after work. See it. It's phenomenal.

If you see one movie in a movie theater this year, see it. Seriously. For mad real, yo.

While working a double shift yesterday, I came to a point where I'd consumed all of the substantial amount of food I usually bring with me, but still in need of more nourishment. I decided to go to McDonald's for a milkshake.

McDonald's is the most prevalent restaurant in America, yet people still scan the menu, which, at most, has about 25 items that never really change, and take tons of my valuable time up ordering. It's not like you've never seen a McDonald's menu before! Chhhhhhhhrrrrist Almighty!

It is less humid here in the 'Burgh today, which makes me more happy.

Always keeping the ol' stinkeye open in search of shows. I'll let you, my loyal legion of readers, know when and if I "book" something.

You gotta FIGHT for your right! Sadly, you have do this even while "defending your freedom."

This kind of beats the bar scene actually.

I cleaned today. Apparently, my carpet is navy blue. Who would of thunk it?

Va Jay-Jay!!!!-BK

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