Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Kill Anna?

Even though I live 800 miles from the place, Chicago Cubs fans piss me off to no end. I don't really care either way for baseball, and I try not to act totally bored when forced to watch it, but I DO NOT CARE for many Chicago Cubs fans.

Liking the Cubs doesn't make you cool, indie, hip, a part of some "fraternity," or even a baseball fan.

It just means you're a follower, and if you were born south of Downtown Chicago, it makes you a fucking traitor to the team and neighborhood(s) your parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents grew up in and with.

Also, as a group, Cub fans tend to be very mean-spirited and "Holier than thou," which there is never an excuse for in sports. Liking and supporting a team is one thing, a good thing, but slamming anyone who doesn't drink overpriced, watered down beer in Wrigleyville is uncouth and classless.

Go finish your Master's degrees, and GO CHICAGO WHITE SOX!!!! (Sweepity sweep sweep!)

Cub fan A: "Bro, does this American Eagle polo go with my Cubs hat."

Cub fan B: "Dude, it's totally sweet. Let's do some kegstands and fuck some bitches tonight!"

Cub fans embrace. Unabashedly homoerotically. Jack Johnson plays softly in the background.


Took in Wanted after work. It's a nice little summer action movie, just a little formulaic and effects heavy, but worth the ticket price for sure.

A very cool coworker and friend, Kim, saw a poster for The Dark Knight and bought it for me, because she knows how excited I am not only about the movie, but about the poster itself, which is, quite possibly, the best movie poster ever. Kim often sits silently in the corner during hardcore film nerd conversations at work. Conversations which are pretentious and tragically articulate, and include words like "cinematography," "scale," "tits," and "vision."

I wish more people had friends like mine.

Water is coming out of the drain in my basement. I don't think that's supposed to happen.

Never give up. Never.

Actually, I know I'm sexy.

Uniball pens don't like the washing machine. At least it's only work clothes.

There's no reason to not become the wolf.-BK

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