Sunday, July 6, 2008

You're a sweetheart.

I went dancing tonight. Dressed up. Sweated through my clothing, including my tie. Felt alive. Felt the floor. Felt my legs, torso, and arms moving about. Felt fucking alive!

No days off for quite a while, if things work in my favor.

In Chicago for a few around the 23rd-26th? Maybe, but probably will just get lost in the West Virginia backwoods. I got my overalls and un-ironic Coors hat ready.

This is really good. "Cute" some would say.

NIN - Echoplex

Need to get more stage time. I've been off this month. Doing shows for seven people in Crafton just doesn't get the blood flowing.

A perfect song.

Easy Mac, Tabasco, and Bacos(which are vegan.)-BK

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