Friday, July 11, 2008

This ban should be permanent.

Last night was so anticlimactic it was ridiculous. I'm not saying I had a bad time or anything, but it was just not as fun as it usually is. Oh well. When life gives you lemons, you get a shotgun, and demand your money.

Thrill Kill Kult show in Pittsburgh! I'm there. I hear Filter is coming around too. I've never seen Filter, which is a travesty, both as a Chicagoan, and an Industrial scenester. Good times for sure.

Might be laying low this weekend. The leg is much, much better, but I'm not taking any chances with it.

I walked around my neighborhood today. I saw a little snake. It slithered away from me in quite a hurry. My evilness affirmed, I went home and drank cherry soda. Not cherry cola, actual red as blood cherry soda. Oh yes. Delicious.

Judging from this, I could move to India and attain dance transcendence.

Fucking clogs suck. I need a clog version of the dog whisperer or something. Anybody know any effeminate Latin plumbers out there?

I can't take it with me.

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