Thursday, July 31, 2008

I don't understand how Sesame Street could so cold.

It's interesting. Human beings in large groups. Odd, because when talking one-on-one with someone, or even in a small group of friends, most people are decently intelligent, i.e., they can hold conversations, be courteous and respectful, and maintain some semblance of civility.

In large groups in public spaces, however, people tend to lose most of their manners, and revert to a status somewhere between caveman and Southern Baptist. People go against the movement of the crowd, stop in front of simple, non-written signage in the midst of moving crowds, and talking either entirely too loud, or entirely to softly. Add in a few more grunts, and you'd think you were watching the world de-evolving before your very eyes, which, in a way, it's actually doing.

Fortunately, I am still able to travel through these human cattle herds quite well. I travel well because I travel light, I know where I'm going, and I focus on getting there.

You probably haven't seen Idiocracy, but like Wall-E, it really can't be too far off from what the future will actually resemble.

Terry Crews kills it!

Overtime today, overtime tomorrow, hours and days running into each other, time is but a series of numbers. MorningStar fake meat tastes the same. People talk about sports without end. I will drink beer tomorrow, it will be loud, and I will be relaxed.

Really looking forward to Sunday night. Should be a fun time. It always is. Need to blow off some of the stress of the week.

China is censoring people's access to the media, and prohibiting most public protests at the games. Only now are people in an uproar about this, which fucking reeks of bullshit and hypocrisy.

The International Olympic Committee should never have allowed the games to be held in a country like China, and Communism has very little to do with it.

China is the number one polluter on earth. China oppresses the religious practices of it's citizens. Chinese workers are exploited by the government, and by companies(which do a lot business with Wal-Mart and other U.S. firms) everyday. Hopefully, when you're drinking from your "Olympic Special Edition" can of Coke, you can take a little time to think about what a luxury that simple can of Coke would be to a lot of people in China.

Hopefully a few of the athletes at the games will have the courage to make a stand for Tibet, for religious freedom, for human rights, for the environment, and for basic human kindness the world over.

Fuck it, what would it matter anyways? It would make front page news for a day or three, and then Americans and people in the First World would return to our fat slovenly way of life, never questioning where and how our clothes and electronics got made, but bitching incessantly about the price of oil. After all, we're meeting friends at T.G.I. Fridays later for Jack Daniel's burgers.

I hope I don't twist my ankle when I get off of my high horse.

You know why this song has been in my head all day? Because it's "Tony the Tiger and Kool-Aid Man." OH YEAH!! GRRRREEEAT!!!

I could be stuck on a desert island, or at work, and listening to this song incessantly would make it bearable! Respect Madonna.

I'll trade you a Monday for two Fridays and dinner.-BK

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