Friday, August 1, 2008

Don't worry about them, it's been taken care of.

Seems some people I work with are attempting to throw a serious monkey wrench into my machinery. They severely underestimated my awesomeness and cross-generational appeal, as every single one of my other Coworkers sided with me. I don't know if you guys read this, but thanks for being a friend to me. I will never forget it. Ever. Except when I'm drunk or eighty. I'll be drunk again before I'm eighty.. but you get the idea. I kinda felt like Marlon Brando in The Godfather.

Hot again in the Steel City. Sweat abounds, better not change the sheets this week. Again.

Body is returning to some sort of relaxation after a hell of a week. Driving home last night/this morning at two, I stopped for gas, and almost subconciously bought a quart of chocolate milk and two Heath bars. Both were killed in the twelve miles between gas and home. Chocolate milk is the ultimate replenishing fluid, as long as you don't plan to be active after drinking it. Of course, I came home and collapsed into bed. I woke up feeling almost normal.


neighbors utter slurs
children learning hateful words
will they be on Cops?

I think I'm going to eat some Taco Bell in the very near future. My stomach is feeling quite masochistic lately.

I'm debating growing my hair back, but I like not having to think about how bad I look with it. I pretty much only have one level of "bad" with the bald noggin, so why bother if you know you won't be happy with it??

Ever seen Memento? It's the breakout film of Christopher Nolan, director of The Dark Knight. There is a very real chance this movie will make your head explode, but, I assure you, it is worth it!

I am wearing my fucking combat boots tonight. It has been TOO LONG!!! Putting on boots is one of life's greatest pleasure. It's probably how putting on a suit of armor feels, or maybe it's how Josh Brolin feels everyday. Josh Brolin is a badass.

If this doesn't make you smile, you need to lose my contact info, and go fuck yourself!

Instead of revving your Harley Davidson on your way home from the office incessantly, maybe you could just scream "I"M AN ASSHOLE WITH CONFIDENCE ISSUES!" Just a thought for you.

We're gonna need more of that good stuff over here!-BK

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