Sunday, June 29, 2008

If I leave you now.

Show went pretty smooth last night. Metronome ceiling fan. Thanks to my friends for coming out. It's good to know that somebody is interested in what comics are doing in this town. Frankly, as a group, we work harder and spend more time on stage, "perfecting the craft," so to speak, than a lot of bands that somehow manage to get hundreds of words written about them in the City Paper. Comics rely on audiences in the same way that bands do. We need energy! Come out to a show.

Gotta keep hustlin'.

People can learn a lot from a man like this.

Spent time with a very cool person and her cool friends yesterday. Drank an epic amount of light beer. Passed out.

Robert Downey Jr.'s balls are probably made of some sort of alien flesh or something. I must see Tropic Thunder.

Doing the D-A-N-C-E tonight.

My pillow smells of armpit.

I'm giving some thought to getting a cat. I would adopt/rescue it of course, but I don't think I'm much of a "cat person," which could lead to problems. I don't think it's going to go down.

This music video might have been the first thing to ever have stirred the loins of a young Ben Kenny. Christ, isn't Steven Tyler just dreamy?! Liv Tyler ain't too bad either. Her fat sister is hot too. Alicia Silverstone is a Vegan Goddess. I would marinate her tofu all day long.

Don't ever talk shit on Aerosmith when you're in my presence btw. You have to make some exceptions and turn a few blind eyes, but mostly, they rock!

I often think of cooter.-BK

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