Sunday, January 25, 2009

2000 AD

In anticipation of the upcoming film adaptation, I've spent my week rereading Watchmen. The uncouth call it a comic book, nerds refer to it as a graphic novel, but I think it transcends the genre and stands with few others. It's depth and scale are pretty much totally insane. It takes longer to read than a traditional novel because you have to pause, and look at the action in the panels. It's kind of like reading a really long children's book, but to yourself.

I especially like the uncompromising artistic integrity of the author, Alan Moore. He steadfastly refuses to see(or work on) film adaptations of his work, and usually defers all of his royalties to the other artists involved in creating the original piece. Check out his stuff. It's great.

A late night was had last night, but fun abounded, as it usually does. Dancing, drinking, socializing, just a plain old good time with good people.

Eagerly awaiting their new album. DM, whose members are well over forty, still rock harder than most any band around. They still create valid, interesting music, and sell out most of their shows. This about as perfect as music can possibly get.

Some big shows coming up. Actually, every show is a big show. Every show "matters" because this is what I live for. I always find it somewhat out that comics are so picky about what rooms they choice to grace with their presence, especially in this town. Every time there's a mic and a stage, and I can be there without missing work or stepping on the host's toes, I'm there. Period. Every time.

See the stars, they're shining bright.-BK

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